About Us

Cramlington Voluntary Youth Project was established as a charity in 1990 in Cramlington, Northumberland. In June 2008 we then transitioned into a Private Limited Company. Catering for South East Northumberland we offer a wide range of services in partnership with several key agencies to the young people in this area. They include fun and specialised youth groups to our young people allowing them access to a wide range of opportunities and award schemes.

Set in a purpose built building we have the following mission statement:

Our Aim:

The work at Cramlington Voluntary Youth Project is focused on offering a range of opportunities than can further the social and personal development of young people. We provide a safe and friendly venue that meets the changing needs and desires of young people with differing ages and abilities.

Our Objectives:


Actively listening to young people’s need and offering guidance, support and advice in all aspects of their life.


We encourage all our young people to adopt a positive mental attitude in order to pursue and enjoy new experiences and be successful in gaining new skills for their future.


We enable all our young people to have an active input into the direction CVYP takes, which offers them a invaluable insight into the meaning of responsibility.


We empower, encourage and support young people to pursue accreditation through specific projects or learning schemes and emphasise the benefits of citizenship within our community.

Don’t just take our word for it though, here is what some of our young people and their family and friends have to say:

I enjoy using the sessions to socialise and I feel supported here. I enjoy joining in with the activities. The group gives me a break from home by meeting with my friends and having a laugh. The staff are also really friendly.

Bethany Carol aged 17

I have been coming to CVYP for the past 12 years, since I was 13 and left in July as I turned 25. Would like thank all of the wonderful staff and volunteers that have supported me over the years, I honestly don’t know where I would be without you guys.

Daniel Thompson aged 25

CVYP’s Thursday night sessions are brilliant for young adults with additional needs. The atmosphere is great with the opportunity to be full on energetic or chilled and calm. My daughter loves it!!!

Karen Scott Parent of Young person

We get to do new things and everyone’s friendly. We also learn a lot and it has good food.

Lauren Smith aged 16

I enjoy coming to my young carers group because I feel supported by the staff and I have made friends with other young people who attend. We get given amazing opportunities to go places and to do things like the D of E. This group has become a big part of my life. I have also gained confidence and volunteer with special needs groups and fayres.

Melody Mills aged 15

The staff are very supportive and help us with issues. I really like doing archery and doing my D of E awards, especially the expeditions.

Sam Hartshorne aged 18

It is an amazing place and promotes enthusiasm and confidence.

Tom Heron aged 13