Residentials & Trips
The aim of residentials and trips are to provide our young people with opportunities to experience new things and make some unforgettable memories. Operating both locally and around the country, each trip or residential gives the chance for young people to gain new skills, try something completely new or out of their usual comfort zone and just have lots of fun!!
Some of the previous trips and residentials we have ran include:
Mimosa, France with our Young Carers
Rock UK with our Special needs
Beadnell Bay with our young volunteers
BBC Newcastle with our Adult Special Needs
Ninebanks for a music residential
Ford Castle with our special needs
Gorge Walking with our Young Carers
Wave Boarding
Each trip and residential our staff team work to make them each unique and enjoyable with the idea of trying new things and having new experiences, with each being tailored to the group of young people taking part.